Doula (do-lah) means “with woman”.
That’s what you learn to do! You’ll know how to support a birthing woman from the prenatal visits you have,
to the birth and any after care you give.
This is a 3 series course including academic and hands on training.
In person classes are on going and Zoom video classes are available anytime for up to a full calendar year after you begin your course.
Only class one needs to be completed and then you can take on your own birth clients and get started!
••Cost: $880••
Can be broken down into payments of 3 ($300 each month) Credit card processing fees may apply.
Course curriculum:
Class 1: Birth Process & Birth Tools
pregnancy birth & postpartum physiology
Initiating Breastfeeding
Hands on training - your actual job (in person preferred or we will find a doula to attend class with you where you are)
medicated vs natural birth support
assisting through pushing phase
assisting through transition
Gathering your Birth tools (birth bag).
Class 2: When things go Wrong & Legalities
Navigating provider issues
stillbirth and surrogacy
emotional stalls & clearing
foot zoning and other tools
honoring birth space
knowledge for common complications; malposition of baby, fetal distress, descent, cesarean
Legalities; protecting yourself and establishing safe boundaries
how to catch a baby in an
client forms; agreements & releases
Class 3: Meeting with your clients prior to birth & Setting up your Business
setting up your client for success; childbirth education, birth team, books
handling pain/hands on preferences, roles, particulars
birth preferences/birth plan
Setting up your business
•finding clients & putting it all together
•social media
websites, business cards
getting the word out